tedrobertcooke.com | design philosophy – alternatives

design philosophy – alternatives


But not everyone needs or even wants that full of service from an architect. There are numerous people who want a well designed, thoughtful home, but yet, for any of a variety of reasons, need an architect to tailor his services to their needs.

There are therefore numerous ways to accomplish this. Perhaps a model of your project is not that helpful to you. If you have selected a contractor, you won’t need a bid process. You might not need to have all of the finish materials listed as part of the Contract Documents.

I can therefore provide an architectural service that is fairly and equitably priced and which meets your needs and desires. Numerous clients of mine have appreciated this approach. And of course, any portion of an architectural service initially not utilized can be later added. Architectural fees will be discussed when we meet and I understand your needs and desires and project requirements.
